

All participants are invited to submit abstracts for poster presentation. Please see the themes for abstract submission and note the important dates below.

Important Dates
Deadline of Abstract Submission 投稿截止日: Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Notification of Abstract Acceptance 審查結果通知日: Monday, February 25, 2013

1. Implant Dentistry 植牙手術
2. Esthetic Implant Dentistry
3. Orthodontics and Implant Dentistry
4. Others

First Prize (1 person): USD 800
Second Prize (2 people): USD 500
THird Prize (7 people): USD 200

Rules for Submission
Please note that abstracts should be submitted prior to Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Abstracts without registration and payment will NOT be included in the abstract book. Submission by letter, fax, e-mail or CD/DVD will NOT be accepted at any time. Applicants must follow these guidelines:
1. Abstract Submission Form: MS word for Windows.
2. The abstract should be written in English, typed or printed in Times New Roman font 12 and single space, with A4 size (21cm*29.7cm). Use standard abbreviations and place a special or unusual abbreviation in parenthesis after the full word appears. Use generic names of drugs. Write numbers as numerals rather than words.
3. Submit an abstract ONLY through Submission Online.
4. Please limit the length of your title to 15 words: Title should be brief, clearly indicating the nature of the presentation. Use bold-faced and capitalized font type for the title.
5. Full name of all authors should be listed without degrees and titles, and the presenting author should be underlined. Presenter's organization should be included.
6. Tables, charts, photographs and any other information are not acceptable as part of the abstract.
7. The body of the abstract is limited to 250 words, excluding the title and information on authors. (no more than one page)
8. The presenting author will be required to register before submitting.

1. 本次學術海報展示目的為促進高水準之研究以及臨床經驗紀錄分享,海報貼示可利用圖表或照片圖片來展示其研究(基礎或臨床)步驟及成果。主辦單位將頒發英文參賽感謝狀予所有參賽者。

2. 國內牙醫師參加Poster者經大會審核通過,並於大會期間完整張貼Poster報名之參賽者,

3. 請於102年2月20日前進行線上投稿,大會學術組將召開初審會議以不記名方式評選合格者參展,並均以電子郵件通知各投稿者。凡未依照標準格式或有缺件者,恕無法接受參展,且不退件。

4. 所有獲選參展者均需繳交大會報名費,未完成報名者不予於會場展示海報。

5. 競賽結果:學術委員將以內容、主題、科學證據基礎等客觀評分依據,評選出優勝名單:

  • 金牌獎1名: 獨得美金800元及獎牌
  • 銀牌獎2名: 各得美金美金500元及獎牌
  • 優勝獎7名: 各得美金200元及獎牌

6. 頒獎儀:得獎名單將會公告於海報展示於海報展示區入口,並於3月9日Gala Dinner晚宴上頒獎。