

Invitation Letters for Visa Application
APAID 2013 Congress will provide invitation letter to people who have fully registered for the congress and for which payment has been received. Note that only registered, paid participant may receive an invitation letter to the congress.

※ The following regulations are based on the diplomatic principles of equality and reciprocity.

Visa-Exempt Entry
Countries eligible for visa-exempt entry:
1. Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, *Ireland, Italy, *Japan, Republic of Korea, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Monaco, the Netherlands ,*New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia , Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, *U.K. , U.S.A. and Vatican City State.

2. Passport holders of India, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, who also possess a valid visa or permanent residence certificate issued by U.S.A., Canada, Japan, U.K., Schengen Convention countries, Australia or New Zealand. Travelers meeting the above qualifications and having never been employed in Taiwan as blue-collar workers, have to first register information concerning their documents and personal data into the “Advance Online Registration System for the Visitors of Nationals from Five Southeast Asian Countries to Taiwan”. Upon completion, the printed confirmation is used to validate the traveler during the boarding and the immigration check. During the immigration check, travelers who can not show a valid visa or permanent resident visa issued by one of the aforementioned developed countries will not be admitted into the country.

Landing Visa
Countries eligible for Landing Visas:
1. Holders of emergency or temporary passports with validity more than six months for nationals of those countries eligible for visa-exempt entry.

2. Holders of USA passport with validity less than six months.

Visitor Visa
Citizens of other countries should apply for a visa before traveling to Taiwan.
For further help, please contact the oversea Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (or Taipei Mission).

Flow Chart of Visitor Visa Application

Information on Republic of China Visitor Visas

Procedures for Nationals of the Designated Countries Applying for Visitor Visas to the Republic of China(R.O.C.)

Detailed Information on Republic of China Vistor Visas

本次大陸人士入台許可證申請委託大會秘書處 樂業國際會議顧問公司辦理






  1. 來台申請書:可複印使用,正反面請複印成一張,請黏貼照片及身分證正反面影本,申請書背面「申請人處」敬請簽名及蓋章。
    ※ 照片為最近六個月內所拍攝、直4.5公分且橫3.5公分、脫帽、未戴有色眼鏡、五官清晰、不遮蓋、足資辨識人貌、人像自頭頂至下顎之長度不得小於3.2公分及超3.6公分、白色背景之正面半身薄光面紙彩色照片 ,且不得修改或使用合成照片。若不符合此規格主管機關無法受理訪台申請案
  2. 基本資料: 包括中文姓名、英文姓名、任職單位、職稱、出生年月日、Registration ID、E-Mail
  3. 工作單位在職證明正本:每人一份,需有單位章及出具日期。
    ※ 現任職單位,除黨、政、軍職外,另具有「人大代表」、「政協委員」及「台辦」身分者,均應據實填寫
  4. 最高學歷證明影本:例如:教授資格證書,畢業證書或學生證
  5. 個人簡歷:含曾任職務、具有何種相關專業造詣

(6F.-9., No.2, Jian 8th Rd., Jhonghe District, New Taipei City 235, Taiwan)
收件人:APAID2013大會秘書處 陳盈安小姐

1. 臺灣的申請流程:約1個月
2. 大陸來台人員的申請流程:相關申請事宜以貴單位規定為主
(1) 先向貴單位的國際合作處諮詢來台相關申請流程
(2) 收到入台許可証之前:務必先向貴單位申請來台手續
(3) 收到入台許可証之後:將臺灣的入台許可証批件 (通知和影本、邀請信)向大陸國台辦辦理批件→拿入台許可証批件和國台辦批件到省公安機關辦理出入境手續